In the rhythm of daily life at Renew Physical Therapy, Brent Wong, a dedicated physical therapist, provides some insight into his typical routine. Amid the demands of patient care, his commitment to the Renew team and his patients is palpable. A valuable team member since his graduation from physical therapy school, Brent’s time at Renew has been marked by challenges, triumphs, and the satisfaction derived from guiding others on their path to recovery.

Brent’s day starts with either a brisk run (he’s training for his first marathon in May!) or a bike ride to the clinic. Despite the unpredictable Seattle weather, he appreciates the moments of fresh air before immersing himself in the bustling schedule that awaits. In a blend of early and late start times, Brent manages a caseload of about 8-10 patients each day. The variety ranges from starting new patients off on their healing journey to supporting familiar faces in their ongoing recovery.

As with every job, some days are better than others. Striking the delicate balance of managing a full patient schedule alongside administrative tasks is not always easy. Incorporating the social energy demand and the caregiver burden associated with healthcare workers, certain aspects of Brent’s role can pose challenges. He finds that biking home after a tough day helps to ease some of the stress and clears his mind. Meeting with friends for dinner after work also serves as a way to shift gears and focus on life outside of work. However, Brent gives the most credit to his wife, whose support and daily conversations provide him with a space to share the day’s experiences.

Brent attributes his favorite part of the job to the daily interactions with the community, discovering the unique stories and journeys of the neighbors-turned-patients-turned-friends. The familial atmosphere within this small business creates a sense of comfort and joy throughout the workweek. Brent’s experience at Renew Physical Therapy is woven with compassion, routine, and the distinct pleasure of being an integral part of a lively community. To him, it’s not just a profession—it’s a meaningful engagement shaped by the connections nurtured in the heart of the neighborhood.


4.3/5 (4 Reviews)