Have you experienced dizziness that’s made it difficult for you to perform daily activities? Dizziness, or also referred to as vertigo, can have a significant impact on one’s day-to-day lives, which may affect emotional well-being, social interactions, and physical safety. At Renew Physical Therapy, we offer a Balance & Vestibular program that addresses your specific symptoms, and develops an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you.
Our physical therapy clinic located in Renton also has a team of physical therapists with experience in treating patients with symptoms of dizziness. With the help of our physical therapists, we can quickly diagnose and often cure this condition in one-to-three treatment visits. Learn more in this month’s newsletter about the Balance & Vestibular program from Matt Godofsky, physical therapist and managing partner at Renew Physical Therapy in Renton.
Finally, with warmer days ahead (hopefully!) contact Renew Physical Therapy to learn more about our bike fitting, golf and SHIFT programs to help you enjoy springtime sports and activities as safely as possible.
Erik Norwood
Physical Therapist & Owner