Do you know someone who is experiencing whiplash from a car accident? Symptoms of whiplash can include severe neck pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion. In fact, whiplash amounts to 50 pounds of force on your neck in 2/10ths of a second (The Whiplash Resource Network)! 

Experiencing pain from whiplash can hold you back from your daily activities and oftentimes, symptoms from whiplash won’t become apparent until weeks or even months after an accident. It’s important that you receive physical therapy right away, and Renew Physical Therapy is here to help.

Here is how physical therapy can help you overcome pain from whiplash:

  1. Assess Your Injury: A Renew Physical Therapist will begin an immediate assessment to find the root of your pain and begin your customized treatment plan. Whiplash is not always apparents on imaging. Early treatment is essential for maximizing your recovery as well as preventing lingering pain down the road.
  2. Adapt to Daily Activities: Whiplash can be debilitating when it’s restricting movement of your head, neck, and shoulders throughout the day. It can affect your ability to work, and it brings limitations at home. A physical therapist can walk you through some adjustments you can make to cause less pain.
  3. Exercises & Hands On Therapy to Relieve Symptoms: Short-term symptoms of whiplash can include headaches, pain in your neck, back, and shoulders, and exhaustion. If not treated right away, these short-term issues can grow into chronic pain and long-term damage. A physical therapist can guide you through stretches and exercises that will strengthen your body, and help you return to your normal way of living.

If you have been in a car accident, give our front desk a call for a free consultation, and receive quality care through our Crash Care program at Renew Physical Therapy.


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