Behind every successful physical therapy clinic is a strong front desk staff. And behind every strong front desk staff is a sturdy leader. Meet Ceci Westby, the Front Desk Manager at Renew Physical Therapy’s Hillman City location. Ceci is the linchpin of the clinic, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations and fostering a welcoming environment for both staff and patients.

Ceci kicks off her workday with a cup of freshly brewed coffee to prepare for the bustling day ahead. In the mornings, you’ll find her managing the front desk, handling everything from phone calls to scheduling appointments and coordinating interpreter requests. As the day progresses, she retreats to her office, delving into the behind-the-scenes tasks that keep Renew Physical Therapy running smoothly. This includes meticulous work on scheduling accuracy, inventory management, and creating and refining essential processes and procedures.

A typical routine includes diligently checking the next day’s visits, communicating with the schedulers and patients, and ensuring proper scheduling for insurance purposes. Managing the schedule of a busy clinic is challenging, but her ability to navigate these tasks with grace and efficiency is a testament to her dedication to the clinic and its patients.

In her free time, Ceci knows the importance of disconnecting from work. Whether playing Animal Crossing or engaging in offline activities like painting, puzzles, and taking her dogs for walks, she finds joy in activities that allow her to decompress and recharge.

With all the hard work, what makes Ceci truly passionate about her role? It’s the relationships she builds, both with her colleagues and the patients. The Renew Physical Therapy team feels like a second family to her, creating a supportive and collaborative work environment. Most importantly, she takes immense joy in witnessing patients’ progress through their care journeys, forming meaningful connections along the way. Her commitment to excellence, love for her colleagues, and genuine care for patients make her an integral part of the Renew Physical Therapy family. Through her dedication, Renew Physical Therapy continues to be a place where healing is not only physical but also deeply personal.


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