One of the most devastating things that can happen to a person is to wind up in an auto accident. The injuries and damage suffered in a car crash can be life altering. In the unfortunate event you are involved in an accident, it is your responsibility to make sure that you take care of yourself so that you can recover properly and get back to living your life. If you are looking to file for compensation for damage sustained from your accident, you have a ‘duty of care’ to make sure that your injuries do not get any worse. This is why seeking out physical therapy is one of the most beneficial steps you can take.

Physical Therapists Help You Progress Safely

One of the primary benefits of physical therapy after an accident is to keep you mobile. While rest and recovery are important initially, staying sedentary can have a negative effect on your overall mobility and function. Lack of movement can create stiffness in your joints, weaken otherwise strong muscles, and decondition you from activities you previously enjoyed. Your physical therapist can help guide you through movements and exercises so that, as your body heals, you can safely regain your prior level of function.

Physical Therapy Speeds Up the Healing Process

Every body heals on its own timeline. Physical therapy encourages a safe progression of movement and load to your joints and muscles to shorten this recovery time. Your physical therapist will use a combination of manual therapy techniques, specific exercise prescription, and education about modifications to movements or posture that can help you to feel better quicker.

Physical Therapy Can Help Your Personal Injury Case

If you are injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may have the chance to collect compensation. A primary way to strengthen your case is to prevent your injuries from getting worse by seeking treatment. Going to physical therapy can help meet the ‘duty of care’ for your case, ensuring that you are healthy and able to recover from your injuries, while still being eligible to collect compensation.


Colburn Law. The Benefits of Physical Therapy After an Auto Accident. Retrieved from


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