At Renew Physical Therapy, we’re always looking for passionate, driven individuals to join our team—and over the past few years, we’ve enjoyed finding new ways to connect with students and future physical therapists. Attending job fairs has been an exciting part of that journey, and we’ve expanded our reach beyond Seattle to meet even more talented individuals.

This past year, I had the opportunity to travel a bit further outside our usual network, visiting George Fox University in Oregon and Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. The experience was incredibly rewarding, and I made some great connections with students eager to begin their careers in physical therapy. Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue expanding our recruiting efforts. This month, we’ll be heading to Arizona for a leadership summit, where we’ll engage with even more students preparing to enter the field and strategize new ways to better support our team members. In April, we’ll be back in Seattle for the University of Washington’s job fair, attending for our third year in a row.

Our commitment to education and mentorship doesn’t stop at job fairs. We are currently hosting a student from Northwestern University completing her final clinical rotation at our Renton clinic. Later this spring, we will welcome a physical therapist assistant student from Green River Community College and in the fall, two more students from the University of Washington will join our Hillman clinic to further their orthopedic and pelvic health knowledge. 

It’s an exciting time at Renew Physical Therapy, and we’re eager to continue supporting the next generation of physical therapists. If you or someone you know is looking for a great place to grow and learn, we’d love to connect! Visit our website to learn more about opportunities with Renew Physical Therapy and how you can join our team at



Erik Norwood

Physical Therapist & Owner


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